A New Partnership: Preeclampsia Foundation

May 12, 2022
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Global Strategies is proud to announce a new partnership with the Preeclampsia Foundation to improve access to health information for pregnant women. Preeclampsia is a condition in pregnancy characterized by high blood pressure and end-organ damage, frequently involving the kidneys. It is one of the leading causes of both maternal and infant morbidity and mortality globally. In the United States, preeclampsia occurs in 4% of pregnancies and is responsible for 6% of preterm births.

In Africa, preeclampsia and eclampsia, the progression of the disease to include seizures, are main drivers of high maternal mortality rates. In the United States, preeclampsia occurs in 4% of pregnancies and is responsible for 6% of preterm births. In Africa, preeclampsia and eclampsia, the progression of the disease to include seizures, are main drivers of high maternal mortality rates.

Low-dose aspirin can reduce the risk of developing preeclampsia when it is taken daily by pregnant women at risk for preeclampsia. There are two challenges to improving uptake of this potentially life-saving, simple and low-cost treatment. First, clinicians need to identify women at risk for preeclampsia. Risk factors are divided into major and minor groups. The major group of risk factors include prior preeclampsia, diabetes, twins or high blood pressure. The minor group includes family history, obesity  and numerous social determinants of health. The second challenge is that pregnant women need to take the therapy once it is prescribed. A baby aspirin may seem trivial and yet can be vitally important.

To address these challenges Global Strategies and the Preeclampsia Foundation used Global Strategies’ NoviGuide software to create the Aspirin Educator. Available online at www.preeclampsia.org/aspirin, the Aspirin Educator helps pregnant women determine their own risk level for preeclampsia. Women receive the results as a ‘conversation starter’ to share with their doctors.

Women can use the Aspirin Educator to prepare for discussions about aspirin or to understand why their doctors may have recommended low-dose aspirin during pregnancy. The work with preeclampsia is just the beginning for Global Strategies. The team is currently working on preeclampsia treatment pathways to add to its digital tools in East Africa.

NoviGuide’s Aspirin Educator is available in English and Spanish (Images: Preeclampsia Foundation, preeclampsia.org)

Other Projects in Health and Technology

Since working with Global Strategies, we have improved techniques in premature baby care through training programs, new equipment and capacity building.
Manene NAKASHINGA Agnes, Senior Neonatal ICU Nurse at Panzi General Hospital

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