HEAL Africa’s Quadruplets Turn One

August 1, 2020
Democratic Republic of the Congo
  • Dr. Joshua Bress
  • Sabrina Smith
Keren, Ketsia, Kenaya and Kendra

What a difference a year makes. This past spring, Keren, Ketsia, Kenaya and Kendra turned one-year-old. Born on May 9, 2019, these premature quadruplets needed a lot of special care, during their first few months on Earth. As Dr. Joshua Bress, Global Strategies President, said 

“When I first heard there were quadruplets born at 34-weeks gestation in Goma, my first thought was, these babies have no idea that we’ve been getting ready for them for more than 10-years.”

In 2009, 10-years before the birth of quadruplets at HEAL Africa hospital, the conception and launch of the newborn care project began. Two-years later a group of hospital nurses would become neonatal care specialists, learning from Global Strategies volunteers. In 2014, Birthlink joined HEAL Africa and Global Strategies to commit to providing comprehensive newborn care for preterm infants; a service not yet available in the region. Through their commitment, the first neonatal respiratory care program launched, led by locally-trained nurses. In 2017, their work was recognized as a National Centre of Excellence and, when Neema Baderha went into labor 6-weeks early, the hospital was ready for the birth of these preterm quadruplets.

The Quadruplets with Dr. Vindu (HEAL Africa), Nurse Elysee (HEAL Africa), Dr. Kathy Mellor (BirthLink), and Nurse Charlie (HEAL Africa)

Now, these babies are strong little one-year-olds living at home with their parents and family. It clearly takes a village to raise these quadruplets.

For their one-year birthday, HEAL Africa created a video celebrating the milestone this represents for the babies and for the hospital.

                                              Quadruplets at HEAL Africa Hospital, First Anniversary

We are able to set up new services that help how we follow our patients. Using Global Strategies’ approach, we can follow how they are growing up and see them coming into certain levels of maturity.
Dr. William Bonane, Program Manager at HEAL Africa

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