Summer Spotlight 2019

August 12, 2019
  • Dr. Elizabeth Rogers
  • Dr. Joshua Bress
Photo by Tom Seawell Productions LLC

We are so pleased to welcome Dr. Elizabeth Rogers, Associate Professor of Pediatrics and Co-director of the Intensive Care Nursery program at the University of California San Francisco, to the Global Strategies Board of Directors.  Dr. Rogers is a specialist in the care of extremely preterm infants and has extensive experience working to improve the care of preterm babies in the United States and internationally.  She has also been recognized by the University of California San Francisco for excellence in teaching neonatal medicine.  While well known to our organization before joining the board, we reconnected with Dr. Rogers in Uganda where she visited our NoviGuide research site at Tororo District Hospital.  We look forward to her valuable insight and leadership as a member of our team.


Joshua Bress, MD

I would like to thank Global Strategies’ donors for imparting aid in the form of equipment including computers, tablets and telephones. This helps us to share information in real-time and receive immediate support and data.
Elizabeth, Neonatal Nurse at HEAL Africa

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