Tracking Newborn Outcomes in the DRC

January 1, 2017
Democratic Republic of the Congo
  • Interviewee
  • Dr. Joshua Bress

I want to share with you some exciting news. Global Strategies' work has been selected as an example of how using data effectively improves the lives of children. In an article from Magpi, Tracking Newborn Outcomes in the Democratic Republic of Congo, our work is featured for the impact made using daily data to track outcomes in the neonatal unit at HEAL Africa Hospital in Goma.

Together with our partners we are making so much progress in the care of babies during their first month of life.

Thank you for continuing to support our work.



Joshua Bress, MD



We can focus on our work in helping mothers take care of their children because if we did not have this aid, we could not have any nurses, and if we did not have any support from partners and Global Strategies, we could not do any work.
Desleisaliba Janga, HIV Prevention

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